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grow your own food 

with philip maggi

Philip Maggi has been interested in gardening since growing up in Kent, Connecticut, where he spent most weekends with his father planting and tending to perennial beds, repairing century-old stone walls and caring for a half-acre vegetable garden. After more than a twenty-year career as a lawyer in Washington, D.C. he returned to school to pursue his passion of plants. Philip now runs his own garden design firm focusing on ecologically driven design and planting. Over the past many years, he has created and maintained gardens from New England to Silicon Valley.


Philip received his formal education in landscape design at the George Washington University College of Professional Studies in Washington, D.C. He is an active member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD), the Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA) and Connecticut NOFA Organic Land Care accredited.

Philip maggi.webp

gardening series complete package | classes #1-8

In this gardening series you will learn how to grow your own food, compost, design and maintain your garden in a sustainable way so your plants thrive. The course offers a place to learn, to share, and to experience knowledge, skills, and ideas about growing your own food, gardening and landscape design.


time: 10:00am-12:00pm at pound ridge organics


class #1: seed starting basics (april 18th 2021). From seed to seedling, this course will help you prepare strong healthy 'garden ready' plants. In addition to exploring the requirements for many popular vegetables, this course will address the following topics: seed selection, planting mediums, containers, heat, light, water and nutrient requirements.


class #2: vegetable garden (may 2nd 2021) Siting your garden for maximum yield through consideration of climate, season and sun exposure, soil testing and preparation, irrigation, supplemental nutrients and fencing. We will also explore companion planting, succession planting and the use of cover crops.


class #3: garden pest and disease management (may 23rd 2021) Through early detection and the use of organic means most plant pests and disease can be controlled and remedied. Topics include: garden organization and layout, identification - symptoms and signs, development, methods and tools to control pests and disease. Tips for preventing damage by large and small mammals including deer, rabbits, squirrels and birds will also be discussed.


class #4: composting (june 13th 2021) Feed the soil that will feed your plants. How to start your own composting system. Topics will include: how to build a simple compost bin, creating the correct environment for your compost, ingredients to start and maintain your compost, composting techniques and vermiculture (worm composting).


class #5: planting for pollinators (june 27th 2021). We rely on pollinators such as bees, butterflies, beetles and other small insects to pollinate plants that provide the majority of fruits and vegetables we eat. According to the Xerces Society, approximately one in three mouthfuls of food and drink require the presence of a pollinator. This course will explore strategies to help pollinators including: providing foraging habitats for insects, reducing the impact of land management practices on pollinators and the creation of gardens to attract, house and feed pollinators with an emphasis on the use of key native plants.


class #6: specialty gardens (july 18th 2021). Shade, wetlands, meadows, mini meadow and ornamental planting. Different environments call for specialized planting techniques and plant palettes. This course will explore how to assess your garden environment and choose the most appropriate plants for success. Sample plant palettes will be discussed as well as proper layout, sourcing of materials and maintenance.


class #7: pruning techniques (august 8th 2021). Proper pruning techniques are important not only to the beauty of a plant but also for its health. Unfortunately, a quick survey of most suburban neighborhoods reveal a complete lack of knowledge about pruning. This course will discuss why pruning is performed from training to improving the quality of flowers, fruit, foliage or stem and the proper tools and techniques will be demonstrated.


class #8: putting your garden to bed for the winter (august 29th 2021). Successful gardeners keep working even after the last harvest. To maintain the health of your garden steps must be taken to ensure the health of your soil. Topics include: garden clean up, compost application, cover crops, garden expansion and rotation.


end of series: potluck party and get together with music (september 19th 2021)



- deposit $50 due to hold spot 

balance $385 due on or before first class


to register: SOLD OUT

  • sign-up on registration page

  • pay deposit to hold your spot (cash, check, zelle or venmo)

payment options: 

  • cash: pay in person at the market

  • check: made out to 'Pound Ridge Organics'

    • brought in person to the market

    • mailed to: Pound Ridge Organics 22 Westchester Avenue Pound Ridge NY 10576

  • zelle: or (914) 224-3138

  • venmo: @poundridgeorganics (orange rooster icon - last four of cell xxx3138


additional notes:

since materials will be purchased in advance, the $55 deposit is non-refundable • all additional equipment needed for class will be available on-sight • in case of inclement weather, teacher will use his discretion to set up a zoom class, choose a make-up date or cover missed material in one of the following classes.

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farmhouse: 9147643006

address: 22 westchester avenue pound ridge, new york 10576


pound ridge organics is a consumer direct p.m.a. for those who seek: delicious nutritious
sustainable • local • traceable • ethically produced food, products & gifts

all rights reserved - pound ridge organics ©2024

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